What we do

Here you will find current projects and final reports of past self administrations.

Current projects of the term since November 2006

Continuation of the monthly pub evening, ...

Achievements of the term November 2005 until November 2006

Acquisition of a football table, continuation of the monthly pub evening, organisation of orientation events for new occupants, ...

Achievements of the term December 2004 until October 2005

(Coming soon.)

Achievements of the term October 2003 until December 2004

In the term October 2003 until December 2004 the Self Administration (HSV) made a positive new start. Firmly organized, they reached a lot of goals in a very short time.

At the beginning of the term they re-organized a storage room to make an office.

To work efficiently they To offer a consistent image they For a stronger feeling of community they To boost the quality of living, the HSV had regular contact with the Studentenwerk, for example for structural measures. These conversations amongst other things led to Furthermore the HSV accomplished a couple of actions: