
Users accounts can be blocked. This can happen, if the user causes too much traffic (especially through downloading) or if the user has a problem because of copyright issues or if the computer of the user is infected by a virus or a worm, and therefore is endangering the network security.

What can you do to avoid getting blocked? Where do I get a firewall and anti-virus software? What can I do, in case I'm blocked?
You can get information on the status of your internet account here: (in german only)

If your computer is infected by a virus or a worm, you have to fix it and report it to your local network administrator. The blocking will then be canceled. If the virus or the worm is not completely removed you will be blocked immediately again.

Please be aware that the RRZN (providing the internet access) has to pay for the traffic, so they don’t like it, if several students in the dormitories are causing more traffic than institutes with dozens of employees. That is why the RRZN is watching the traffic of the users in the dormitories.

According to the contracts of the Studentenwerk, internet access is only meant for scientific purposes. If a user stands out by causing too much traffic, his or her access will be blocked. In event of recurrence the users contract will be canceled and the user will be excluded from the network.