MAC Addresses

MAC-Addresses (also called physical addresses) are made up of 48 bits. They are presented in six couples of hexadecimal numbers.
How can I obtain my address?

Windows 2000 and Windows XP
  1. Click on StartRun
  2. Type cmd
  3. Press Enter
  4. Type ipconfig /all in the new window
  5. Press Enter
  6. Your MAC Address is the Physical Address


The MAC Address is marked red. Your MAC Address is unique and will be different from the one shown in the image.

Windows 95/98/ME
  1. Click on StartRun
  2. Type winipcfg
  3. Press Enter
  4. Your MAC Address is the Adapter Address


The MAC Address is marked red. Your MAC Address is unique and will be different from the one shown in the image.


Obtain a root command shell. Type ifconfig. Your MAC Address is the HWaddr.

Mac OS X
  1. Click on AppleSystem Preferences
  2. Click on Network
  3. Double-click on your network interface card (normally Built-in Ethernet)
  4. Click on Ethernet
  5. Your MAC Address is the Ethernet ID


The MAC Address is marked red. Your MAC Address is unique and will be different from the one shown in the image.